Contact and billing information


Visiting addresses
Serlachius Headquarters: R. Erik Serlachiuksen katu 2, Mänttä, Finland
Serlachius Manor: Joenniementie 47, Mänttä, Finland

Postal address
Serlachius, Joenniementie 47, FI-35800 Mänttä Finland

Telephone numbers
Sales service: +358 (0)3 488 6801 (from 9 am to 3 pm).
Enquiries during office hours +358 (0)3 488 6800.
Telephone enquiries outside office hours but during the museums’ opening hours: Serlachius Manor, ticket office +358 (0)3 488 6812; Serlachius Headquarters, ticket office +358 (0)3 488 6837

E-mail addresses
Sales service:

Electrical invoices:
Gösta Serlachiuksen taidesäätiö (0151144-3)
Operator ID: BAWCFI22
Operator: Basware
Party-ID: 003701511443

Serlachius Museums is an official travel organizer, register number: KUVI 669/16/MJ