Serlachius collection

Art collection
The paper mill owner family of Serlachius began to collect art over one hundred years ago. Gösta Serlachius Art Museum was opened for the public in 1945. Nowadays Serlachius Collection comprises thousands of artworks. The core of the Serlachius collection are classic pieces from the Golden Age of Finnish art as well as European Master paintings dating back to 16th–19th centuries. Paintings representing Impressionism as well as Modernism complement the Serlachius collection. During recent years also the collection of contemporary art from Finland and abroad have been acquired selectively.

Cultural historical
object and archival collections
Since the beginning of the 21st century, Gösta Serlachius Fine Art Foundation has systematically stored in its collections objects, documents as well as oral history related to the history and the industrial activities of the Serlachius family. Moreover, the Fine Arts Foundation is in possession of comprehensive document and photographic archives. They were receives as a donation following the acquisition of the head office of the G. A. Serlachius Company in 2000. The head office building houses nowadays Serlachius Museum Gustaf. Archival collections entail the letter archive of the industrial family, parts of company’s document and drawing archives as well as cultural historical picture archives with focus on local history. Picture and film material have donated, among others, K-E. Lindblad, Irma and Aarne Pohjanharju as well as Kunto Ruokolainen.

Collections Online
Gösta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation’s collections are accessible also through different online publications.
You can access online website which contains concise presentations in English of selected artworks from Serlachius Collection.
Also Eric O. W. Ehrström’s jewelry and jewelry designs from the Fine Arts Foundation’s collection as well as history of small industry town form their own entities. Audio guides contain additional information on the mill-owner family Serlachius, the museums and their exhibitions.

Collection services
Personnel of the Serlachius collections department share their expertise and gives further information on the collections material. In general, picture requests give rice to a fee according to its use.
In matters concerning cultural historical collection, contact Serlachius’ Curator Milla-Sinivuori Hakanen,
Services related to picture archive of art collection the responsibility of Assistent Teemu Källi,
Information services on the Serlachius collection as well as residency-related enquiries about the collection are handled by Curator Helena Hänninen,
At all times the enquiries can be send to the Serlachius’ info-email

Artwork loans
Gösta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation lends its collection works to exhibition organizers, who are able to guarantee the safety of the works with professional staff and in properly supervised premises under controlled conditions.
Written loan requests may be directed to Pauli Sivonen, Director of the museum,, tel. +358 (0)50 566 1355.
Curator Tomi Moisio is our contact person in arrangements regarding artwork loans,, tel. +358 (0)40 681 7455.
Image above: Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Autumn (a study for the frescoes of the Sigrid Jusélius Mausoleum), 1903, distemper and oil on canvas, Gösta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation. Image: Hannu Miettinen.