Thank-you Letters

A chain of letters and an exhibition on works having left a permanent impact

Serlachius Headquarters 15.6.2024—16.2.2025

Works of art sometimes have such a powerful impact on the viewer that the experience leaves a lasting impression. A work can change our thinking, the way we see, experience and structure the world. A work can set something in motion or stay alive within us. 

Thank-you Letters is a group exhibition that gives visual artists and other professionals working in the visual arts the opportunity to highlight an individual artist and their work and to thank them.

Thank-you letters create a meandering, multi-faceted chain in which good words are passed on from one author to the next. The public can enter into the artists’ dialogue, the connection between art and its networks. The curators of the exhibition are Tarja Väätänen and Elina Brotherus.

The artist involved in the exhibition: Catarina Ryöppy, Anna Autio, Sasha Huber, Petri Saarikko, Anne Koskinen, Esa Hämäläinen, Paula Tuovinen, Sami Korkiakoski, Kim Somervuori, Konsta Ojala, Jyrki Nissinen, Ville Vuorenmaa, Ninni Luhtasaari, Udi Salmiaitta, Jemiina Halonen, Laura Vainikka, Johanna Väisänen, Ritva-Liisa Virtanen and Eija Isojärvi.


See on the video the interview with the curators of the exhibition Thank-you Letters, artist Elina Brotherus and Head of Design at Serlachius Tarja Väätänen. They give an account on the idea of the exhibition and the artists participating the show.

Video story

See a short introduction to the exhibition through the QR code or the image link.


Thank-you Letters. Artist-to-Artist Acknowledgements

The image above: Anne Koskinen, Arsenia (Foundling) 2019 and Guardian XVI, 2019, natural stone. Kuva: Serlachius, Sampo Linkoneva.