Guided video tours

Serlachius guided video tours

You may start your visit at Serlachius by taking a look at the guided tours on video. On this site we publish digital material on current exhibitions. Video stories give an abundance of background information when you walk through the old manor or single exhibitions at Serlachius Manor. Acquaint yourself also with topical work presentations provided in the video stories.


Guided tour to the manor

Virtual video tour to the exhibition takes us to the old manor at the Serlachius Manor. Planning Officer Tarja Haikara introduces us to an interesting selection of gems of the Fine Arts Foundation’s collection and gives further information on the artworks.

Guided tour to Serlachius Headquarters

Get acquainted with the interesting history and magnificent architecture of the former head office building that nowadays houses Serlachius Headquarters. Planning Officer Tarja Haikara leads you also to the artworks decorating the Mänttä’s White House.


Nastja Säde Rönkkö: salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears

Watch Nastja Säde Rönkkö’s interview and learn about the themes of her exhibition.

Riiko Sakkinen: Los moimoi de Fuengirola

Watch Riiko Sakkinen’s interview and learn more about the thmes of his exhibition.

Thank-you Letters

Elina Brotherus and Tarja Väätänen tell about the exhibition.


Jiri Geller, Alvar Gullichsen, Ilse Rossander and Petri Ala-Maunus tell about ROR ABC exhibition.


Video stories

Video stories offer a lot of interesting information to aid and intensify your museum visit. You will learn details about the history of Serlachius, architecture, exhibitions, key works as well as the industrialist generations of the Serlachius family. On your smart phone you can read QR code at the exhibition or outside near each sculpture.

You may acquaint yourself with guided tours also through a link below. They are available in English and Finnish. The language can be chosen independently for each item.

During your visit to Serlachius you can explore our mobile tours with a tablet computer which can be borrowed at either of Serlachius’ ticket counters.