Serlachius-museot taidesauna
Customers enjoying the round steam room of Serlachius Art Sauna. Photo: Sampo Linkoneva
Women in the Serlachius Art Sauna: Photo: Sampo Linkoneva
Women in the soft warmth of Serlachius Art Sauna: Photo: Sampo Linkoneva
Serlachius Art Sauna
Serlachius Art Sauna is perfect for celebrations and gatherings. Photo: Sampo Linkoneva

The cozy living room of the Serlachius Art Sauna invites to relax. Photo: Suvi Rauhala

The oak ceiling and the smooth stone surfaces make a perfect match in the living room of Serlachius Art Sauna. Photo: Sampo Linkoneva

24 people can dine around the Serlachius Art Sauna’s table. Photo: Sampo Linkoneva

Serlachius-museot näyttely
Art gives inspiration at Serlachius Manor. Photo: Touko Hujanen
Customers and guide at the Serlachius' exhibition. Photo: Touko Hujanen
Customers and guide at Serlachius Manor. Photo: Touko Hujanen

Restaurant Gösta in the Serlachius Manor is a perfect place for gatherings. Photo: Touko Hujanen

Serlachius-Museo Göstan puisto.
Art experience continues outside in the Serlachius Sculpture Park.
Loan a bike from Serlachius Manor or Headquarters and enjoy the whole town.
Tarjoilua ravintola Göstassa
Restaurant Gösta serves with passion.
Driving museum bikes is fun!
Nainen ja Helene Schjerfbeckin Punainen pää -teos.
Helene Schjerfbeck’s painting Girl with the Read Head II is one the pearls of the Fine Arts Foundation’s collections.
Draamaopastus "Yhtiölle töihin" Gustaf-museossa
Drama guidance at Serlachius Headquarters takes you back to 1950’s.
Nainen ihailemassa Emil Wikströmin Kalapoika -patsasta
Viktor Jansson’s sculpture Fishing Boy (Kalapoika, 1935) delights in front of Serlachius Headquarters.
Convention packages at Serlachius combined with light exercise.
Try some Nordic walking in the forest close to the museums.
Ryhmä nauttimassa Serlachius museo Göstan maisemista
Taavetinsaari Island close to Serlachius Manor invites to enjoy the lakeside scenery.
Kultainen huvimaja Serlachius-museo Göstan saaressa.
The golden gazebo awaits on the Taavetinsaari Island close to Serlachius Manor.

Serlachius-museo Gösta puisto
Enjoy picnic in the Serlachius Sculpture Park.
Nainen keinussa taidemuseo Göstan puistossa
Serlachius Sculpture Park is stunning.
Pariskunta Serlachius-museo Göstan puistossa
Nature and Architecture go hand in hand in Serlachius Sculpture Park.
Nature comes also inside the museum building at Serlachius Manor’s extension.
Yleiskuva Serlachius-museo Gustafin aulasta.
Serlachius Headquarters is a masterpiece of 1930’s Finnish architecture.

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The images may only be used when communicating about the Serlachius.

For more information, please attach: 
Susanna Yläjärvi, Information Officer of the Serlachius, tel. +358 (0) 50 560 0156,