Family events in spring 2025
Family events in Spring 2025
Join Serlachius’ family events! Enjoy creative activities for the whole family: painting, crafting, sculpting, and much more – let’s enjoy art and quality time together!
Children’s Saturday: Get To Know Architecture
Serlachius Manor 4 January 2025, 2–4 pm
How are houses built? Design your own buildings, try out fun shapes, and explore the secrets of architecture through play with the help of Serlachius’ guides and accompanying adults, or completely independently.
The activities for Children’s Saturdays are designed to be suitable for children and young people of various ages.

Forest Trail on Taavetti Island
Serlachius Manor 7 January – 2 March 2025
Come and walk the winter forest trail on Taavetti Island at your own pace, at any time that suits you. Along the trail, you will find ten checkpoints with tasks related to the forest and history, elucidating the importance of the forest and nature to all of us.

You can access the Forest Trail via the QR code visible here and, if you wish, complete the tasks on your mobile device even in your own home forest.
Children’s Saturday: Sculpt A Fun Character
Serlachius Manor 1 February 2025, 2–4 pm
Are you ready to sculpt something fun and artistic? Let your imagination fly! Create your own unique character from clay, inspired by the ROR ABC exhibition.
The activities for Children’s Saturdays are designed to be suitable for children and young people of various ages.
Family Day
Serlachius Manor 23 February 2025, noon–5 pm
Enjoy a fun Family Day at Serlachius Manor. The event offers an opportunity to explore old classic artworks and their stories by immersing yourself in the world of images.
Family tours at 1 pm and 3 pm provide more insights into the history of the manor and its fascinating art. Family Day is suitable for all ages!
Winter Art Camp
Serlachius Manor 25–26 February, 9 am – 3 pm
Join the joint Winter Art Camp of Serlachius and Autere Institute. The camp is intended for children aged 7–12 and will be conducted as a day camp. It will be led by Kirsimaria Törönen with the assistance of Serlachius staff. The camp includes visits to museum exhibitions and a variety of art activities.
The course fee of €55 includes instruction and one meal per day. The camp is limited to 20 children. Registrations at the Autere Institute office, tel. 050 346 4455.
Children’s Saturday: Paint A Forest Landscape
Serlachius Headquarters 1 March 2024, 2–4 pm
What kind of forest emerges through your brush? Create your own artwork of a forest where trees, flowers, and animals come to life with colours. You can paint anything you see and feel in the forest.
The activities for Children’s Saturdays are designed to be suitable for children and young people of various ages.
Children’s Saturday: Theatrical Art
Serlachius Headquarters 5 April 2025, 2–4 pm
Welcome to dive into the world of theatre and crafting by creating fun props and stories. At the crafting table, you can make props and even come up with your own play.
The activities for Children’s Saturdays are designed to be suitable for children and young people of various ages.

Children’s Art Camp
Serlachius Manor 2–3 June 2025, 9 am – 3 pm
The art camp jointly organised by Autere Institute and Serlachius is intended for children aged 7–11. The camp includes visits to museum exhibitions and a variety of art activities. The day camp will be led by Kirsimaria Törönen.
The course fee of €55 includes instruction and one meal per day. Registrations at the Autere Institute office, tel. 050 346 4455.
Youth Art Camp
Serlachius Manor 4–5 June 2025, 9 am – 3 pm
The art camp jointly organised by Autere Institute and Serlachius is intended for young people aged 12–15. The camp includes visits to museum exhibitions and a variety of art activities. The day camp will be led by Kirsimaria Törönen.
The course fee of €55 includes instruction and one meal per day. Registrations at the Autere Institute office, tel. 050 346 4455.
Children under 18 have free admission to all family events (excluding art camps)! Adults are charged the regular admission fee. We also accept the Museum Card.