Nanna Hänninen: Now is Now

Kirja liittyy Hännisen retrospektiiviseen näyttelyyn How about the Future?, joka oli esillä Serlachius-museo Göstassa vuonna 2020. Hänninen käsittelee pelkistetyissä ja minimalistisissa teoksissaan muun muassa turvattomuuden ja ulkopuolisuuden tunteita sekä ilmastonmuutosta. Julkaisun kieli on englanti.

Nanna Hänninen (b. 1973) is a Finnish photographic artist. Her international career began at the Berlin Art Fair in 2000. This book was published on the occasion of her retrospective exhibition How about the Future? which is on display at the Serlachius Museums Gösta in 2020. 

In her works, she has focused on depicting the individual’s experience in society and has addressed themes such as insecurity and otherness as well as the need for and the impossibility of control. In her recent works, Hänninen addresses the burning issue of the day: climate change and the choices it brings, which we who are living today must consider.

Language: English
Texts: Laura Kuurne, Tuomas Nevanlinna
Editing and Design: Winfried Heininger and Kathrin Scheller
Printing: DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH, 2020
Publisher: Kodoji Press 

ISBN 978-3-03747-099-2


Nanna Hänninen Now is Now