Time of Space

Time of Space presents sculptor Antero Toikka’s production from 1990s to present day. The book has been published concurrently with Toikka’s exhibition Vision 2015, that is exhibited at Art Museum Gösta and its park during summer 2015. Foreword of the book has been written by art collector and lyricist Vexi Salmi. Art museum Director Emeritus Markku Valkonen has contributed an article. The editors of the book are Antero Toikka and Jussi Tiainen, who has also taken most of the photographs of the publication.

Graphic design: Timo Setälä
Publisher: Parvs Publishing, Helsinki
Bookwell Oy, Porvoo 2015

Serlachius museoiden Tilan aika -julkaisun kansikuva