Current exhibitions

Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky), Noire et blanche, 1926 (1980), photograph, new print. Courtesy Gio´ Marconi, Milano.


Multiple Identities from Antiquity to Contemporary Art

Serlachius Manor

11 May 2024 — 15 September 2024

A view of the ROR ABC exhibition. Photo: Serlachius, Sampo Linkoneva


Revolutions On Request

Serlachius Manor

23 March 2024 — 23 March 2025

Fade Cut

Devan Shimoyama’s barber shop installation

Serlachius Manor

23 March 2024 — 18 August 2024

Classic Works of Fine Art at the Manor

Updated collection hanging

Serlachius Manor

6 April 2019 —

Kuvanveistäjä Hannes Autere ja vuorineuvos Gösta Serlachius Huhkojärvellä. Serlachius-museoiden kuva-arkisto.


The story behind the Serlachius Art Collection

Serlachius Headquarters

15 June 2024 —

Riiko Sakkinen, Los momoi de Fuengirola, detail of the installation, 2023–2024. Photo: Israel Galán

Los moimoi de Fuengirola

Exhibition and research project on the Finnish identity

Serlachius Headquarters

15 June 2024 — 16 February 2025

Thank-you Letters

A chain of letters and an exhibition on works having left a permanent impact

Serlachius Headquarters

15 June 2024 — 16 February 2025

Oneself As Another

Works from the Gösta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation’s collection

Virtual exhibition space

10 August 2022 —