Sustainability and operating in accordance with sustainable development are Serlachius’ core values. We believe in openness, equality and pluralism.
Certified environmental management system
Serlachius has a regularly certified environmental management system in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard. The globally recognized certificate was awarded in 2021. We measure the environmental impact of our operations and are committed to continuous improvement
Sustainable Travel Finland label
Visit Finland has awarded Serlachius the Sustainable Travel Finland label in 2021. The label is awarded to a tourism operator that meets the criteria and can use it in communicating its sustainable operations to international tourists.
Sustainability in our contents
Topical sustainability themes, such as climate change, the state of forests and species, and social issues, are regularly discussed in our exhibitions, events, publications and school programmes.
You can acquire programme services from museums that introduce you to local nature and the significance of forests while using your own muscle power. In all our nature-oriented services, we use ready-made routes.
Sustainable traveling
We invest in responsible travelling by arranging Train & Taxi services from Tampere to Serlachius and back. In the summer season we have the Serlachius Art & Sauna Express bus connection. Our museums have several charging points for electric cars.
We encourage you to use your own muscles. We lend our customers bicycles that make it easy and fun to move between museum buildings and throughout the Art Town. We also borrow walking poles and a rowing boat free of charge.
Switching to environmentally friendly geothermal heat
A large part of Serlachius’ climate emissions is caused by heating energy. We made a significant environmental investment in winter 2023–24 when Serlachius Headquarters switched to geothermal heating and cooling. Serlachius Art Sauna utilizes geoenergy, too.
Recycling is in honor
We utilise recycled packaging materials, for example, in artwork transports and online store orders, as well as in public services. We reuse exhibition structures and materials and hand over props that is no longer needed for reuse.
We irrigate the park with lake water. Our facilities have water-saving plumbing fixtures. For example, in the humidification of indoor air required by museum conditions, we are currently switching to water-saving high-pressure spray humidifiers.
Sustainable solutions at the museum shop
In the product range of Serlachius’ museum shop, domestic and locally manufactured products prevail. We know the origin of our products and support craft entrepreneurs.
Our guiding principle is quality: A high-quality product has a long service life and can be repaired if necessary. The products available are made from sustainable and recycled raw materials. We do not wrap purchases in plastic.
When packing online store orders, we recycle packaging materials that have already arrived at the museum and have already been used
Local food on the plate
Serlachius premises are home to Restaurant Gösta, which is based on locally produced, pure ingredients. The restaurant’s menus focus on fish and vegetarian food and offer vegan options.
Meals and menus are prepared in such a way that loss in storage, preparation and on the plate is as small as possible. Transport logistics are carefully planned. The restaurant avoids the use of disposable tableware and packaging.
For equality and non-discrimination
Serlachius is a safe and largely accessible destination also for people with mobility and sensory impairments. You can read more about accessibility on our website.
We act in accordance with Serlachius’ equality plan against discrimination, racism and minority phobias – all people are equally valuable and welcome to us. We are part of the We Speak Gay and Gay Travel Finland networks. We produce all-female travel packages that inspire gender equality.
Our services and events bring joy and learning in a sparsely populated area whose residents are some distance away from the rich cultural offerings of centres of growth.
Common good at private expense
The Gösta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation, founded in 1933, maintains museum operations in Mänttä. To sustain its operations, the foundation manages its assets and utilises responsible investments.
Serlachius effects many ways to the economy of its local community: visitors leave worth millions of euros behind in retail, accommodation, catering and other services every year. We are one of the largest employers in the community and make purchases from local companies ranging from property management to small supplies
Our environmental policy
Responsibility of the environment is a matter of the heart for us who work in the Serlachius Museums. We want to look after the environment as carefully and sustained as we treasure our art collection and as determined and quality oriented as we produce exhibitions and serve our customers.