Playground Flux Box
A limited edition of 250 copies of Flux Box created in the spirit of Fluxus is launched in connection with Elina Brotherus’ exhibition Playground at Serlachius Museums. Hand-made box contains 80 cards representing her newest works i.e. every work of the exhibition. The artist has signed each box herself.
For her latest works, Brotherus found inspiration from the Fluxus artists and the brief set of instructions, event scores that the artists have written. In addition to the title of the artwork, each card’s reserve side contains the original event score and information on its author. The box contains also an essay of Dr. Susan Bright, the curator of the exhibition.
Languages: Finnish / English
Layout: Minna Luoma
Publisher: Parvs Publishing Ltd
Pint house: Bookwell Oy, Porvoo 2018
ISBN: 978-952-7226-16-2